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姓名 王晓云 学历 博士 职称 教授
所属部门 生物化学与分子生物学系
招生专业 生物化学与分子生物学(博士、硕士)
im体育 电话:0538-8242656-8430

王晓云,女,博士,1962年6月出生。1983年im体育农业大学本科毕业,1985以来任教至今,先后获得im体育农业大学硕士和博士学位。2002-2003在清华大学做访问学者,2008-2010年两度到哈佛大学做访问学者,2011年获高等学校教学名师称号,曾获得im体育首届教学名师和im体育农业大学学生心目中十大优秀教师称号。一直以来从事生物化学与分子生物学、植物生理生化方面的科研与教学工作,着重研究酶的催化机制以及结构与功能的关系。主持承担国家自然基金、高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金、im体育优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金、作物生物学国家重点实验室基金等课题。作为第一作者或通讯作者在“Antioxidant and Redox Signalling”、“International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology” 、“International Journal of Biological Macromolecules”、“中国农业科学”等国内外学术刊物发表学术论文60多篇。







1.农业部公益性行业科研专项我国重要野生果树资源的收集、评价与优异种质创新利用技术研究与示范 (201303093).

2.国家自然科学基金《im体育》( No.30471261 

3.国家自然科学基金《im体育》(No. 30940017 

4.高等学校博士点专项基金:《im体育》(No. 20050434008 




1.P. Wang, X.Z. Li, H.R. Cui, Y.G. Feng, X.Y. Wang*, Identification and functional analysis of a novel parvulin-type peptidyl-prolyl isomerase from Gossypium hirsutum, Plant Physiol Biochem 76C (2014) 58-66.

2.F. Du, J.N. Xu, C.Y. Zhan, X.Y. Wang*. 2014. An obesity-like gene MdTLP7 from appleenhances abiotic stress tolerance. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communication. Online.

3.C.M. Wan, X.J. Yang, J.J. Du, Y. Lu, Z.B. Yu, Y. G. Feng, X.Y. Wang*. 2014. Idenfication and characterization of SlVKOR, a disulfide bonds formation.Biochemistry (Moscow). Online

4.Z.B. Yu, Y. Lu, J.J. Du, J.J. Peng, X.Y. Wang*, The chloroplast protein LTO1/AtVKOR is involved in the xanthophyll cycle and the acceleration of D1 protein degradation, J Photochem Photobiol B 130C (2013) 68-75.

5.Y. Lu, H.R. Wang, H. Li, H.R. Cui, Y.G. Feng, X.Y. Wang*, A chloroplast membrane protein LTO1/AtVKOR involving in redox regulation and ROS homeostasis, Plant Cell Rep 32 (2013) 1427-1440.

6.Q.Y. Wu, H.Y. Guo, H.L. Geng, B.M. Ru, J. Cao, C. Chen, L.Y. Zeng, X.Y. Wang, F. Li, K.L. Xu, T273 plays an important role in the activity and structural stability of arginine kinase, Int J Biol Macromol 63 (2014) 21-28.

7.Wang, X., Dutton, R. J., Beckwith, J., and Boyd, D. (2011) Membrane topology and mutational analysis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis VKOR, a protein involved in disulfide bond formation and a homologue of human vitamin K epoxide reductase, Antioxid Redox Signal 14, 1413-1420.

8.Wu, Q. Y., Jin, K. Z., Li, F., Hu, Z. Q., and Wang, X. Y*. (2011) Impact of intra-subunit interactions on the dimeric arginine kinase activity and structural stability, Int J Biol Macromol 49, 822-831.

9.Wu, Q. Y., Li, F., Wang, X. Y*., and Chen, Z. J. (2011) Impact of inter-subunit interactions on the dimeric arginine kinase activity and structural stability, Arch Biochem Biophys 512, 61-68.

10.Wang, H. R., Zhu, W. J., and Wang, X. Y*. (2011) Mechanism of inhibition of arginine kinase by flavonoids consistent with thermodynamics of docking simulation,Int J Biol Macromol 49, 985-991.

11.Jing, X. L., Fan, M. N., Jia, G., Liu, L. W., Ma, L., Zheng, C. C., Zhu, X. P., Liu, H. M*., and Wang, X. Y*. (2011) A Multifunctional Protein  Encoded by Turkey Herpesvirus Suppresses RNA Silencing in Nicotiana benthamiana, J Virol 85, 12792-12803.

12.Feng, W. K., Wang, L., Lu, Y., and Wang, X. Y*. (2011) A protein oxidase catalysing disulfide bond formation is localized to the chloroplast thylakoids, FEBS J 278, 3419-3430.

13.Li, F., Wu, Q. Y., Sun, Y. L., Ma, N. N., Wang, X. Y., and Meng, Q. W. (2010) Evidence that the amino acid residue Cys117 of chloroplastic monodehydroascorbate reductase is involved in its activity and structural stability,Int J Biol Macromol 46, 350-355.

14.Wu, X. Q., Zhu, W. J., Lu, Z. R., Xia, Y., Yang, J. M., and Wang, X. Y*. (2009) The effect of rutin on arginine kinase: inhibition kinetics and thermodynamics merging with docking simulation, Int J Biol Macromol 44, 149-155.

15.Wu, X. Q., Xu, H., Yue, H., Liu, K. Q., and Wang, X. Y*. (2009) Inhibition kinetics and the aggregation of alpha-glucosidase by different denaturants, Protein J 28, 448-456.

16.Wu, Q. Y., Li, F., and Wang, X. Y*. (2009) Val65 plays an important role in the substrate synergism, structural stability and activity of arginine kinase, Int J Biol Macromol 45, 393-398.

17.Shi, X. W., Sun, M. L., Zhou, B., and Wang, X. Y*. (2009) Identification, characterization, and overexpression of a phytase with potential industrial interest,Can J Microbiol 55, 599-604.

18.Zhou, J., Yang, Z., Yang, W., Wang, X., Jiang, S., and Zhang, G. (2008) Effects of a New Recombinant Phytase on the Performance and Mineral Utilization of Broilers Fed Phosphorus-Deficient Diets, The Journal of Applied Poultry Research 17, 331.

19.Wu, Q. Y., Li, F., and Wang, X. Y*. (2008) Evidence that amino-acid residues are responsible for substrate synergism of locust arginine kinase, Insect Biochem Mol Biol 38, 59-65.

20.Wu, Q. Y., Li, F., and Wang, X. Y*. (2008) Evidence that the amino acid residue P272 of arginine kinase is involved in its activity, structure and stability, Int J Biol Macromol 43, 367-372.

21.Zhu, W. J., Li, M., and Wang, X. Y*. (2007) Chemical modification studies on arginine kinase: essential cysteine and arginine residues at the active site, Int J Biol Macromol 41, 564-571.

22.Zhao, D. M., Wang, M., Mu, X. J., Sun, M. L., and Wang, X. Y*. (2007) Screening, cloning and overexpression of Aspergillus niger phytase (phyA) in Pichia pastoris with favourable characteristics, Lett Appl Microbiol 45, 522-528.

23.Xia, Y., Park, Y. D., Mu, H., Zhou, H. M., Wang, X. Y*., and Meng, F. G. (2007) The protective effects of osmolytes on arginine kinase unfolding and aggregation, Int J Biol Macromol 40, 437-443.

24.Wu, Q. Y., Li, F., Zhu, W. J., and Wang, X. Y*. (2007) Cloning, expression, purification, and characterization of arginine kinase from Locusta migratoria manilensis, Comp Biochem Physiol B Biochem Mol Biol 148, 355-362.

25.Wei, X., Wang, X*., Zhou, B., and Zhou, H. (2006) Effect of Urea on Activity and Conformation of a Glycoprotein, TSINGHUA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY11, 400.

26.Wang, X. Y*., Sun, M. L., Zhao, D. M., and Wang, M. (2006) Kinetics of inactivation of phytase (phy A) during modification of histidine residue by IAA and DEP, Protein Pept Lett 13, 565-570.

27.Li, M., Wang, X. Y*., and Bai, J. G. (2006) Purification and characterization of arginine kinase from locust, Protein Pept Lett 13, 405-410.

28.Fei, M., Chen, J., and Wang, X*. (2006) Biochemical Properties and Inhibition Kinetics of Phosphatase from Wheat Thylakoid Membranes, Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 48, 294.

29.Wang, X., LIU, C., Zhang, J., and LUO, W. (2005) Inhibitory kinetics of quercetin on phenoloxidase from loopworm, Insect Science 12, 435-441.

30.Song, G. Y., Wang, X. Y*., and Wang, M. (2005) Influence of disulfide bonds on the conformational changes and activities of refolded phytase, Protein Pept Lett12, 533-535.

31.Wang, X. Y., Meng, F. G., and Zhou, H. M. (2004) Unfolding and inactivation during thermal denaturation of an enzyme that exhibits phytase and acid phosphatase activities, Int J Biochem Cell Biol 36, 447-459.

32.Wang, X. Y., Meng, F. G., and Zhou, H. M. (2004) The role of disulfide bonds in the conformational stability and catalytic activity of phytase, Biochem Cell Biol 82, 329-334.

33.Liu, Y., Wang, X*., and Liu, L. (2004) Analysis of genetic variation in surviving apple shoots following cryopreservation by vitrification, Plant science 166, 677-685.

34.Wang, X. Y., Meng, F. G., and Zhou, H. M. (2003) Inactivation and  conformational changes of creatine kinase at low concentrations of hexafluoroisopropanol solutions, Biochem Cell Biol 81, 327-333.

